Monday 1 August 2011

August Giveaway!

We are having an august giveaway!!!!! Yes AUGUST GIVEAWAY! All you have to do is follow us comment your answer and wait to see if your answer is correct gives us your email then we will message you the code! Here is the 5 questions. If you answer question 1 you might get one of the best prizes! (Your answer should be like this "1. My answer is .........." Put the 1-5 number so we know your question.) Okay here is the questions!

1. Who is J Todd Coleman to Wizard101?
answer a. Creator b. Owner c. King

2. Why did Malistaire want to destroy Wizard City and all the other worlds?
Answer A. He hated everyone B. He got angry that his beloved wife Sylvia died C. He loved terror.

3. When was Wizard101 made?
Answer A. 2008 B. 2009 C. 2007

4. What movie does Wizard101 sound like?
Answer A. Iron Man B. Harry Potter C. Superman

5. Does Kingsisle actually have a Kings Isle? hint:(in stores)

Good Luck Wizards!

P.S If you haven't got your prize that means you didn't get the code in time. And we will try to get another one for you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. my answers are

    1. (A)
    2. (B)
    3. (A)
    4. (B)
    5. (NO)
