Wednesday 7 September 2011

Update and Maintenance

Hello guys,

I am very sorry about this :( but I am going to have to do a maintenance on the blog, do you know why though? FOR THE NEW UPDATE! Yes we are going to make the blog bigger and badder! So invite your friends and tell them to wear sunglasses because this update is going to be like Blinding Light! Well here comes the bad news :( The update will be around 15 minutes (as usual) but this is why we don't do so much maintenance on the blog, it's going to be over 30 minutes, I estimated because of the following problems:

1. To make the update fit in perfectly
2. So that the mobile site will work more smoothly or more phones.
3. Don't want them Gobblers (Bugs) after us!

So guys please be patience and wait for us to be back up!

 *We won't make the site unavailable but it will run a bit slow and the blog will be quite outdated*

Update: Saturday 10th September 2011

Pacific: 4:30 am
Central (Kingsisle Time): 6:30 am
Eastern: 7:30 am
Mountain: Around 5:30 am (Not Accurate Rating for Mountain)

Maintenance is 15 minutes after so it doesn't matter :)


Bye guys!

-Wolf Sky


  1. I know it's quite long yeah one of my longest posts.

  2. Well like we said we did a few things, sadly the update didn't go out so well so we will be doing little ones everyday. Ones that won't concern you.
